Contact Information
Please make sure to enter correct contact information. Your pharmacist will use this information to reply with answers you requested.
Replies to your questions can take up to two business days. If you do not find the email in your inbox, please check your spam filter or bulk email folder.
Membership Information
You can find your Member ID number on your AultCare ID card. We require date of birth for questions related to medication.
Your Questions
Enter your question or tell us about your issue. Be as specific and concise as possible. Do not forget to mention important details such as any medication you are currently taking.
We may need to ask you a couple of questions to make sure that you get the best answer.
What kind of questions do pharmacists get asked
Pharmacists get asked about a wide range of minor ailments such as colds, coughs, viruses, stomach problems, children's health and women's health issues. We also get lots of questions about finding a generic version of drugs vs. the brand name ones.
Generic drugs can save you up to 80% on the cost of a prescription when compared with the brand name drug. Most often, the savings range from 30% to 50%.