Group Implementation

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What Happens Next?

  • The Group Insurance Application must be completed in full and signed by a company officer.
  • An Enrollment Form must be completed by each employee, whether full time or part time, including those waiving coverage. Spousal signatures are also requested.
  • Proof of prior insurance must be provided (if applicable).
  • A current employee census must be provided.
  • A binder check for the first month's premium must be provided.

When Coverage Begins

  • The effective date for group coverage will be the first day of the following month if all required information has been received and verified within the required time frame. Otherwise, the effective date will be the first day of the following month.
  • Once the group is effective, each employee will receive the following:
    1. Identification Card
    2. Provider Directory
    3. Certificate (Description of Benefits)
  • Once the group is effective, the employer will receive a Medical Insurance contract.

Last updated: 12/27/2010 12:00:00 AM
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