Article URL: /Application/employers/6/124/aultragroup/t/Portal.aspx Print Date:2/23/2025 Last Modified: 6/6/2018 12:00:00 AM

Website Migration Information - AultraGroup

As part of our technological improvement initiatives, we have re-designed our website. We have improved our website functions and understand that you may have questions about the new website and processes. On this page you will find the most commonly asked questions.

Q. What is

AultCAS is our Central Application Service System. This helps us route all of our transactions through single secure channel. You can think of AultCAS as a parent site to 

Q. I need help registering on - Is there a guide available?

We have a guide available:

Q. What happened to

We will still keep - it will eventually mirror AultCAS content; However, your logins, account maintenance and other secure transactions will only take place through 

Q. When will you make the address for go to

We will hold off the pointing until all the accounts are moved to the new server. However, If you are an Employer, Vendor or a Broker, you must switch to the new website by 9/1/2011. After 9/1/2011 we will work on moving the Providers and Members to the new website.  

Q. When I visit, I still see the old website - where is the new site?

The new site at this time is The still looks old because we have put the design upgrade on hold until all of the user accounts are moved to the new server. 

Q. How do I retrieve or upload files on the new site?

We have a guide available for online file transfers:

Q. I am having problems finding what I am looking for?

We understand that it will take some time to get familiar with the new website. If there is anything particular you are looking for and are unable to find it, please contact us through our online form. It is very important to us that you have pleasant experience migrating to our new website.

Q. I need help - who should I contact?

If you need help with the new website, please contact us through our online form. This is a direct way to contact the technical team of the new website.

Q. I already have an account on your old website. Will you migrate my account for me?

Due to the security reasons, we cannot move your old account to the new website. You must re-register at Please see this guide on how to create a new login.

Q. I tried to log into new site (at but the system would not let me log in?

Please make sure you have successfully registered and received an email notifying of your approval on the new website. The new website will not accept the username and password from the old website. You must re-register on the new website.

Q. I would like to have an account on your new site - how do I do this?

If you are a vendor, broker, or an employer working with either AultCare or Aultra, you may register at the following locations:

At this page, select the membership type, Employers or Vendors and click the “SIGN UP NOW” button. You can also read "How to register guide" here.

Q. I would like to move my member account to the new site, but I do not see that option on the registration screen.?

At this time only the employer, vendor, and broker accounts are permitted to register on the new website. You will receive a form of notification when this option becomes available.

Q. I received an email notifying of my billing invoice being available on the web, where do I go to get it?

If you have an account registered and approved on the new site (, you will log on to the new site at:

If you do not have an account registered and approved on the new site ( and you have an active account on the old site ( or, you must log in to the old site at:

Q. I cannot find some of the forms on the new website - Where are these forms?

Try the following steps to locate the forms you need. If you still cannot find what you are looking for, please contact us immediately through our online form.

  1. Visit the new website:
  2. Log in to your account
  3. Once you are successfully logged in - click on "Forms" 

Q. My group is through Aultra but the AultCAS site logo reads AultCare?

If you have an account registered and approved on the new site (, you should log in at the appropriate login portal:

Q. The email notification about my monthly invoice contained the words “if your account has been migrated..”. Does this mean that I automatically have an account on the new site?

No. Due to the security reasons, we are unable to migrate accounts automatically.

Q If I register on the new site, will my files be available there? I have logged in and can only see my latest invoice but need earlier ones?

If you are a group that receives files online (monthly billing, etc.), your files from July 1st on will already be there waiting for you. If you need earlier files on the new site, we will move them for you upon your request through our online form.

Q. What happens to my old account on or after I register on the new site (

Once you register at, your account must first be approved. Upon approval, you will receive an email from us notifying that your account is now set up and ready for use. At this time, we will de-activate your account on the old site ( or ).

Can't find what you are looking for?

Your questions are important to us. Our Customer Service Representatives are available via phone and/or email.

Customer Service Center Hours: 7:30 am – 5:00 pm EST
AultCare Members: 330-438-6360
Toll free 800-344-8858

Contact Us with your questions or comments.