MTM - Medication Therapy Management

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What's MTM?

Medication Therapy Management (MTM) is an opportunity to have a specially trained MTM pharmacist thoroughly review and maximize the benefits of your medications. This is a free program provided to our members and is not considered a benefit. The MTM program is made up of several different services. For a list and description of these services, please click here.

How can MTM help me?

MTM can help ensure that you receive the absolute best results from your medications while keeping your out-of-pocket costs low.

Who's eligible?

To be enrolled in PrimeTime Health Plan MTM program members must meet the criteria below.

MTM Eligiblity Requirements:

  • Member must have at least 2 chronic medical conditions, such as bone disease/arthritis/osteoporosis, chronic heart failure, diabetes, high blood pressure (hypertension), high cholesterol, or respiratory disease/chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, AND
  • Be taking at least five Part D prescription medications, AND
  • Have an anticipated annual prescription spending of $3,144.00 or more in 2013 and $3,017.00 or more in 2014.

How will I know if I have been enrolled in the MTM program?

All members who meet the requirements are automatically enrolled in the MTM program. You will receive a letter from PrimeTime Health Plan letting you know that you have been enrolled in the MTM program and that you are eligible to receive a Comprehensive Medication Review (CMR). Your letter will let you know who to contact to have your CMR completed. Often it is your current pharmacist. In addition you may also receive a phone call from your pharmacist or another one of our contracted pharmacists to complete your review.

What is a Comprehensive Medication Review (CMR)?

A CMR is a one-on-one meeting with a registered pharmacist. The pharmacist will go over all of your current prescriptions and all of your over-the-counter (OTC) medications such as vitamins, herbs and allergy medications. They will also answer any questions or concerns you have about your current therapies.

The goal of your Comprehensive Medication Review (CMR) is to go over all of your medications to make sure they are the best choices to help you meet your doctor’s health care goals. At the end of your CMR you will receive a Standardized Patient Takeaway. Your Standardized Patient Takeaway will include a Personal Medication List, which will list all of your current medications, and a Medication Action Plan to help you manage the recommendations made during your CMR.

Click here if you would like to schedule a CMR.

For a more detailed explanation of a CMR, click here.

Last updated: 10/1/2013 12:00:00 AM
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